
Sallie Antonie van Praagh took every body upstairs for the family picture after the war

A family get together on the balcony in Rijswijk

After the war in early 1946, everyone went upstairs to the balcony terrace at the back at Prins Hendriklaan 42 for this family photo, because there was more light and space to take the photo, as Sallie thought, who took the photo. From top right Shlomo Bezek and in front of him his girlfriend Janny looking at the eldest son of Shlomo with Alice de Vries his first wife. On the other side next to Arthur Da Costa, Shlomo's younger son. Behind Arthur is Nel, wife of Sallie, then son Toon with his wife Sall born Serlé. Next to her, Mop Arthur's mother, the Da Costas were there because they were without a home and had been taken in by my Grandma and Grandpa. Can read the handwriting well enough for the name of the woman next to Mop, but against the roof tiles my mother Jonnie and my aunt Zus, Annie, crouching in front of her.