
About Izak Pront and his wife Klara Bromet.

Izak Pront was the 2nd of the five children of Zacharias Pront and Selly Lakmaker. He was born on 18 March 1894 in Amsterdam and earned a living as a book binder. He was married to Klara Bromet in Watergraafsmeer on 2 November 1919, a daughter of Abraham Bromet and Elisabeth Groen. She was born on 13 July 1895. The couple Pront-Bromet had no children.

Izak lived in the Wagenaarstraat 31 in the neighbourhood of the Dapperstraat in Amsterdam and when he was married to Klara, she moved in with him. In 1935 they moved to house no. 46 2nd floor in the same street, where they further have lived all along.

On 24 March 1942 Izak Pront was summoned for deployment in a labour camp for the Diwero, the “Dienst Wederopbouw Rotterdam” (Department Reconstruction Rotterdam), which was charged with clearing the rubble after the bombardment of Rotterdam on 14 May 1940. In December 1940, this department was created because the Germans ordered the Rotterdam Municipal Council to clear the city of debris as quickly as possible.

It is not known how long Izak had to work there. At some point he was able to return home, from where he and his wife Klara were carried off to concentration camp Vught on 17 March 1943.  On 2 July they were both sent from Vught to Westerbork: Klara Pront-Bromet ended up then in barrack 76 and Izak Pront in barrack 61. On 13 July they were both deported to Sobibor and upon arrival there on 16 July 1943 immediately murdered in the gas chambers.

Sources include the City Archive of Amsterdam, family registration ard of Izak Pront, archive cards of Izak Pront and Klara Bromet; website ITS Arolson, camp cards Vught of Izak Pront and Klara Pront-Bromet and the file cabinet of the Jewish Council, registration cards of Izak Pront and Klara Pront-Bromet.

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