
The fate of Rebecca Vos.

Rebecca Vos, the third child of Isaäc Vos and Mietje Visser, was born on 27 October 1894 in Amsterdam. She remained unmarried, started her working life in the diamond industry but later she became a nurse. Per September 1928 she worked as a hall nurse in the N.I.Z., the Dutch Israëlitic Hospital, which was located at Kerkstraat 135 in Amsterdam.

When Rebecca Vos was 14 years old, she was admitted as an apprentice brilliant cutter on 7 July 1909 at the ANDB, the “Algemene Nederlandse Diamantberwerkers Bond” (Diamond Union). Her fater and brothers were also active in the “diamond trade”. Rebecca became an apprentice with S. Hes in the Bottenheim workshop at Nieuwe Achtergracht 15. On 17 November her apprenticeship ended and she became a member of the ANDB and was classified in department 4, the brilliant cutters.

In February Rebecca ended her membership because of “another trade” but in May 1924, she signed up again and was again admitted as a new member of the ANDB. On 30 August 1928 however, she definitively ended her membership and (according the family registration card of her father) she was registered then per 5 September 1928 at the address Kerkstraat 135 at "Institution 12/24", which meant that she was living then in the N.I.Z. in Amsterdam, the Dutch Israëlitic Hospital and started working there as a nurse.

At the time of the mandatory registration of all Jews in the Netherlands since January 1941 and the beginning of the anti Jewish measures, instigated by the German occupiers, Rebecca Vos was registered at the Jewish Council as a certified nurse, living at Nieuwe Keizersgracht 110, the address of the N.I.Z. On 3 August 1942 she received a “Sperre because of function" from the Jewish Council with I.D. Z0122. By that she was provisionally exempted from deportation and even obtained a so-called “Ausnahme Bescheinigung N.I.Z.” (the very last exemption) as a result of which she was not even arrested in the big raids of late May and 20 June 1943.

However, on 14 August 1943 she still has been arrested and carried off to Westerbork where she ended up in the penal barrack 66. Her Jewish Council registration card has a note about a call, to which she probably did not respond. On 31 August 1943 she was put on transport to Auschwitz and upon arrival there on 3 September 1943, Rebecca Vos was immediately murdered in the gas chambers of Auschwitz-Birkenau.

Sources include the City Archive of Amsterdam, family registration card of Isaäc Vos, archive card of Rebecca Vos; membership cards of Rebecca Vos of the ANDB; Amsterdam Special Register 1897-1934 with Rebecca Vos; the file cabinet of the Jewish Council, registration card of Rebecca Vos and the Wikipedia website Jodentransporten vanuit

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