
About Jacob van Spier and his wife Elisabeth Frank.

Jacob van Spier, born on 1 January 1893 in Nijmegen, was a son of Jozef van Spier and Frederika Wolff. On 16 September 1919 he married Elisabeth Frank in Amsterdam. She was born on 21 July 1893 as a daughter of Salomon Frank and Catharina Frank. After their wedding ceremony, Jacob and Elisabeth went living in the Sint Annastraat 80 in Nijmegen. Jacob was live stock trader by profession. The couple had no children.

Jacob van Spier would have been involved in the betrayal of Jews during the war in collaboration with Nijmegen police officers. His house was vacated on 12 April 1943 and Jacob and his wife were transported to concentration camp Vught. On that same day he committed suicide on the train to Vught by ingesting poison. (Archive of Vught concentration camp, death register1943, death certificate:"Freitod durch Vergiftigung" - suicide by poisoning).

It appears from the Jewish Council registration card of Elisabeth Frank that has been transferred on 7 June 1943 from Camp Vught to Westerbork. From there, she was deported on 8 June to Sobibor, where on arrival on 11 June 1943, she was immediately killed in the gas chambers there.

Sources include the City Archive of Rotterdam, birth certificate of Elisabeth Frank, inventory 1893G-folio g052 – deed no. 1893/4177; website Jacob van Spier to Elisabeth Frank; the file cabinet of the Jewish Council, registration cards of Jacob van Spier and Elisabeth van Spier-Frank; book “Jodenjacht” (Jew hunting), chapter “Bijvoorbeeld Nijmegen”(Nijmegen for example) by Ad van Liempt and Jan H. Kompagnie, edited 2011 by Balans, pages 36 -52 and the website

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