
About Abraham Tokkie and his wife Judith Sanders.

Abraham Tokkie, born 21 March 1877 in Amsterdam, was a son of David Tokkie and Sara van Frank. He earned his living as a merchant in haberdasheries, when he married in Rotterdam the 20-year old Judith Sanders on 28 November 1900, who was born there on 12 August 1880 as a daughter of Jakob Sanders and Sipora Verdoner.

The couple Tokkie-Sanders had three children, namely Sara in 1901, Jakob in 1902 and Sipora in 1904. However, Jakob Tokkie died already on 25 October 1902, just one month old. Both other daughters got married in Rotterdam: Sara to Samuel Godschalk from Amsterdam on 23 October 1919 and Sipora to the Russian Wolff Joachimiouw Lewin on 30 March 1921.

Abraham Tokkie lived in Rotterdam and with his wife, who arrived from Amsterdam in Rotterdam in 1919, they resided in more than twelve different addresses. On 29 November 1924 they were registered “without a permanent residence” as lodging in the Westewagenstraat 62 in Rotterdam, which was located near the St. Laurens church. On 27 December 1924 the Tokkie family moved to Florastraat 88 in Borgerhout and up from October 1928, they resided in the Van Steenlandstraat 19 in Deurne (Antwerp), till they were arrested and carried off to Mechelen.

It appeared from research, that Abraham Tokkie and his wife Judith Sanders were deported from Mechelen to Auschwitz: Abraham Tokkie with convoy 11 of 26 September 1942 and his wife Judith Sanders already with convoy 7 of 1 September 1942. In that same convoy 7, also their daughter Sipora and her husband Wolff Joachimiouw Lewin were deported to Auschwitz. Their son Hijman Abraham Lewin was deported to Auschwitz already with convoy 2 of 11 August 1942 and it appeared from the “Sterbebücher”(death records) of Auschwitz that Hijman there has been killed on 4 September 1942.

Official certificates of death with the exact dates of death are (still) not available, however from the descriptions of the convoys could be deducted that Abraham Tokkie, deported 26 September 1942 from Mechelen, most likely on arrival in Auschwitz on 28 of 29 September 1942 has been immediately killed.

Judith Tokkie-Sanders, her daughter Sipora Lewin-Tokkie and her son-in-law Wolff Joachimiouw Lewin were deported on 1 September 1942 with the 7th convoy from Mechelen. Arrival in Auschwitz presumably 3 or 4 September 1942 and most likely they were immediately killed there upon arrival.

Sources include the City Archive of Rotterdam, family registration card of Abraham Tokkie; the Information Bulletin Foreigners of the City of Antwerp, district Borgerhout, nr. 272909; Memorial of the Deportation of the Belgian Jews, pages 21, 23, 24 and 26; website Auschwitz Prisoners/Hijman Lewi/Sterbebuch.


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