
About Asser and Emanuel Adelaar.

The twinbrothers Asser and Emanuel Adelaar, children of Benedictus Adelaar and Rebecca Slap, were born on 14 February 1922 in Amsterdam. Both were leather workers, however Asser started as a tailor and Emanuel as a furrer. Both were still unmarried and have responded to the call for the so-called provision of additional work in Germany, the “Arbeitseinsatz”. They reported in Westerbork on 13 July 1942 and already on the 16th of July they were put on transport to Auschwitz, which was the 2nd transport from Westerbork. The group consisted of 885 deportees, of whom 309 Jews who had arrived on the same day of departure from camp Amersfoort.

About the 18th of July, the transport arrived in Auschwitz and most of the deportees were deployed as forced labourers, inside the camp itself or possibly beyond. Asser and Emanuel have entered the camp and have received the prison numbers respectively 47892 and 47893. T    he circumstances were terrible and many lost their lives by deprivation, exhaustion, diseases or were still killed in the gas chambers. Asser and Emanuel Adelaar also suffered this fate, but it is not known exactly where, under what circumstances and when they lost their lives in Auschwitz.

It is therefore that the Ministry of Justice after the was ordered the Municipality of Amsterdam, to draw up certificates of death for Asser Adelaar as well for Emanuel Adelaar, in which has been established that both have died in Auschwitz on 30 September 1942.

Sources include the City Archive of Amsterdam, family registration card and archive card of Benedictus Adlaar, archive cards of Asser and Emanuel Adelaar; Wikipedia listing of Jodentransporten vanuit; website Memorial and Museum Auschwitz-Birkenau/prisoners and the file cabinet of the Jewish Council, registration cards of Asser and Emanuel Adelaar.


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