
Stolpersteine for the Members of this Family were placed at their former place of residence in Munich

Hans Ferdinand Wolff - Luise Karolina Wolff nee Wallach and their son Richard Oskar Wolff

On the fifth of November 2019 three Stolpersteine were put in place by Gunter Demnig at the former address of the Family Wolff at Karl-Theodor-Strasse 33 in Schwabing -part of Munich- their former address in Munich until their emigration on the 11th of November 1937 to Den Haag in the Netherlands.

The Antiquarian Hanns or Hans Wolff was forced to liquidate his shop, situated in Ottostrasse5/0 in 1935/37 as the 'Nürnberger Rassegesetze' came into force. The first note was given on this by the Reichskulturkammer end of August 1935 to all Art Dealers and Antiquarians in Germany who were known to be Jewish, this decree told them to liquidate their business within four weeks. As this turned out to be impossible it took two more years to finalise this. The mother of Luise Karolina Wolff-Wallach, Frieda Wallach *February the second 1875 in Fulda, the widow of the banker Moritz Wallach * on December the 30ieth 1868 in Battenberg/Germany , who had resided in Garmisch  Partenkirchen died in 1932, followed her daughter into exile and had an address in Den Haag in 1939 Mesdagstr.55.I could not find  any more details about Luise Karolinas mother and her life in the Netherlands.


Janne Weinzierl 16.11.2019