
About Levin Kahn.

Of Levin Kahn, who was born in Grobin in Russia on 4 June 1874, is nothing more known that he arrived 14 March 1900 from Dunkirk in Rotterdam and ended up in the family of Abraham Vleeschhouwer from Weesp and his wife Brajana Dobe Schilansky from Grobin in Russia. There also Brajana's sister lived in, Neche Libi Schilansky, who was married to Abraham’s brother Izaak Vleeschhouwer. As far as has been researched, Izaak and his wife had no offspring.

The family of Abraham and Brajana also consisted of the daughters Judic, born 10 May 1910 in Amsterdam, Mina, born 28 March 1912 in Rotterdam, Marianne, born 12 November 1915 in Rotterdam and the sons Jacob, born 24 December 1913 in Rotterdam and Heiman, born 27 June 1918 in Rotterdam

Levin Kahn, office clerk, was a cousin of Brajana and Neche Schilansky; his grandmother of mother’s side was Chinke Kahn (passed away in 1905), who was married to Marcus Salanski (also written as Schilansky). The names of Levin’s parents are unknown. Levin Kahn passed away unmarried on 24 December 1942 in Rotterdam.

Sources include the City Archive of Rotterdam, family registration card of Abraham Vleeschhouwer, the registration in the Peoples Registry of Rotterdam by Levin Kahn, the death certificate of Levin Kahn from Rotterdam and informative genealogical sources of users of the website.

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