
The Jewish Centre for Vocational Training (J.C.B.)

The Jewish Centre for vocational training (J.C.B) existed already before the war and was established initially by the Dutch Bond of Zionists. The governing board of the J.B.C. was the Hachsjarah Council under the leadership of Mr. H.G. Kaufmann. Through courses and schools, the J.B.C. provided full professional training for all kinds of crafts and for agriculture and horticulture. It also advised on professional change. The various locations of the M.B. Nijkerkschool provided among others vocational training for shoemakers, tailors, watchmakers, hairdressers, furniture makers, metalworking, welding, electrical engineering and book binding. The products of some courses were intended for Jews leaving for Germany. For example, a caps factory was established at the Westeinde 17 location in Amsterdam.

Source: NIOD