
About Izaak van Emden, his wife Maria Poppegaai and their children Jacob and Sophia.

Izaak van Embden, son of Andries van Embden and Sara Mok, married 16 February 1938 in Amsterdam Maria Poppegaai, born 10 May 1918 in Amsterdam as daughter of Jacob Poppegaai and Sophia Wagenaar. The couple had two children: Jacob in 1940 and Sophia in 1942. All were killed in the Shoah.

After their wedding in 1938, the couple went living at Beukenweg 11 3rd floor in Amsterdam-East, where also their children were born. However, on 8 April 1943 the family was carried off to concentration camp Vught. There, on 20 April 1943, their little daughter Sophia h died.

Izaak van Embden, his wife Maria and their little son Jacob were sent to Westerbork on 7 June 1943 where the ended up that night in barrack 58. This transport, with more than 3000 deportees, which left Westerbork, was the so-called childrens transport from Vught via Westerbork to Sobibor, wereto the 2-year old Jacob was deported to. His parents have accompagnied him and on arrival in Sobibor on 11 June 1942, all were immediately killed.

Sources: City Archive of Amsterdam, archive cards of Izaak van Embden and Maria Poppegaai; the file cabinet of the Jewish Council, registration cards of Izaak van Embden, Maria van Embden-Poppegaai, Jacob and Sophia van Embden (in the index of the Jewish Council, the family name is wrongly spelled as Emden) and the archive of concentration camp Vught, Sterbebuch 1943 (Death register 1943) re Sophia van Embden.

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