
Edith Sternfeld was born on June 20, 1906 in Mehlsack, (East Prussia) (Germany).  She had 6 Siblings in this order, Dora, Hildegard, Edith, Elfriedl, Martin, Carlotta and Ruth.  Carlotta was born with Downs Syndrome and died of pneumonia around 2 years old.  Edith's parents were Ephraim Sternfeld and Henriette born Lapidas.  Ephraim was a Cantor and some kind of teacher.  Edith never married.  She made it to Holland but then was captured and deported to Auschwitz in 1942.  Her parents were captured in Berlin, Germany and deported to Auschwitz on March 3, 1943.  Brother Martin was captured in Holland and later shot to death in September 1941 trying to escape the Nazis.