
The fate of Raphaël Goudeketting, his wife Lina Jons and their children Elja and Hendrika.

Raphaël Goudeketting was a son of Levie Goudeketting and Heintje Moffie. On 2 April 1919 he married Lina Jons in Amsterdam, a daughter of Elja Jons from Crieve (or Criwa) in Russia and Sara Rato (also known as Sara Ratofini and Sara Ratoet), from Dunaborg in Latvia. At the time of his marriage, he was a warehouse clerk in a fashion fabrics trade.. Later he started his own business in fashonable ladies and gents fabrics. The couple had two children, namely Elja in 1920 and Henrika in 1922, both born in Amsterdam.

After their wedding, Rapaël and Lina live in Amsterdam at O.Z. Achterburgwal 140 and per 15 July 1922 they moved to Nieuwe Kerkstraat 89. There, their children Elja and Hendrika were born. In 1925 the family lived at Guerickestraat near Amstel Railway Station and in 1926 at Reitzstraat in the Amsterdam Transvaal district, where they have lived for four years. Then, they moved to Saffierstraat 44 where they stayed till  1938 but the family moved per 17 February 1938 to the address 2e Jan Steenstraat 25 in Amsterdam, which became their last known address in Amsterdam.

On 26 January 1943 Raphaël and his wife Lina were registered in Westerbork where two days later, they were locked in in penal barrack 67. On 2 February 1943 both Raphaël and Lina and another 888 deportees were put on transport to Auschwitz where they were immediately killed on arrival on 5 February 1943.

It has been appeard that their son Elja Goudeketting was deported already on 16 July 1942 from Camp Amersfoort via Westerbork to Auschwitz. According notes on his registration card from the Jewish Council, “he would have been died 2 September 1942 at 11.05 o’clock in Auschwitz II according the “Sterbebuch” of Auschwitz”. It means that Elja Goudeketting has been killed in the gas chambers of Birkenau on 2 September 1942.

Their daughter Hendrika married 17 July 1942 in Amsterdam her cousin Samuel Goudeketting, hoping to escape the “Arbeitseinsatz” in Germany. Despite of that, they were taken out of their house in the night of 1 and 2 April 1943 and transported to concentration camp Vught. From there, they have been deported 21 September via Westerbork to Auschwitz. The  transport arrived there 24 September 1943 but Hendrika and Samuel were able to pass the selection for the gas chambers. They arrived in the camp, where Hendrika eventually ended up in the experiments block 10. She managed to survive the Shoah and after the liberation the has repatriated to Holland, where she returned via Enschede in Amsterdam. Her cousin and spouse Samuel Goudeketting however, lost his life after several months of hard labor in Auschwitz on 12 January 1944.

Sources: City Archive of Amsterdam, archive cards of Raphaël Goudeketting and Lina Jons; family registration cards of Levie Goudeketting and Heintje Moffie and of Elja Jons; website wiewaswielnl; Website Max van Dam – Family Trees of Dutch Jewish Families; the file cabinet of the Jewish Council, registration cards of Raphaël Goudeketting, Lina Goudeketting-Jons and Elja and Hendrika Goudeketting.


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