
About Isaäc Tas.

Isaäc Tas was a son of Eliazer Tas and Eva Lamon, who were married in Amsterdam 10 May 1876. Isaäc had three brothers and two sisters, namely Salomon from 1878, Hartog from 1880, Philip from 1883, Rachel from 1888, and Alida from 1886. His father, Eliazer Tas, a diamond broker, was born in 1857 and passed in 1928, almost 71 years old. His mother, Eva Lamon, born in 1853, died in 1934 at the age of 80. Both were interred in the Jewish Cemetery at Muiderberg. Salomon and Rachel have died already before the war; Hartog survived the war but the others were killed in the Shoah. It was special that the complete Tas family and relatives have attended the 50th wedding anniversary of her parents at party centre Huize Stranders in Amsterdam. And also Claartje Blom, the servant maid, who lived in with the family already since her younger years.

Isaäc was unmarried and lived with his parents till 1932. He was born at Recht Boomssloot 95. Six years later, the family moved to Oude Schans 90 and in 1902 he and his parents went to house nr. 92. He provided for his maintenance as a commercial agent. After the passing of his father in 1928, Isaäc and his mother stayed another four years at Oude Schans, before they moved to Cilliersstraat 32 ground floor in 1932. Claartje Blom, the servant maid moved again with the family. When Isaäc’s mother had died in 1934, he and Claartje Blom remained living there.

Isaäc Tas has been registered in Westerbork on 9 September 1942 and two days later, 11 September deported to Auschwitz. After three days, the transport reached its final destination and Isaäc Tas was immediately killed there on 14 September 1942.

Sources: City archive of Amsterdam, family registration card of Eliazer Tas; archive card of Isaäc Tas; the file cabinet of the Jewish Council, registration card of Isaäc Tas and additions of visitors of the website.

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