
The fate of Werner Jakob Arndt

Jacob Werner Arndt, born in 1913 in Berlijn as son of  Georg Arndt and Dorothea Wolff. He was married to Ruth Vera Joachimsthal and arrived 19 September 1939 in Holland, were he was imprisoned 4 April 1940 in Camp Westerbork. 15 Juli 1942 Werner Jakob Arndt was deported with the 1st transport from Camp Westerbork to Auschwitz  and upon arrival not immediately killed. According German official records, his date of death was there 14 September 1942 but in Holland his date of death has been established as 30 September 1942 (See his death certificate made out in Rotterdam)

Sources: The German Memorial of the victims of the nazi prosecution; website, certificate of death for Werner Jakob Arndt, nr 2824, made out in Rotterdam dated 18 August 1950 and the file cabinet of the Jewish Council, registration card of Werner Jakob Arndt.


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