
About Jacob Gans, his wife Sara and little son Gerson.

Jacob Gans, a coal worker and the 2nd child of Gerson Gans and Dina Rodrigues, lived with his parents at home at Lepelstraat 62 3rd stock in Amsterdam. 8 July 1941 he married in Amsterdam, aged 20, the nearly 22-year old Sara Schijvenschuurder, a daughter from Isidorus Schijvenschuurder who was born in Antwerp, and Sientje van Praag from Amsterdam. After their marriage, Jacob and Sara lived at the back part of the house at Lepelstraat 62 3rd stock. There, 21 August 1942 their son Gerson was born.

16 March 1943, Jacob Gans and his wife Sara Schuitenvoerder and their new born baby-son Gerson were deported to concentration camp Vught. A month later, 27 April 1943, the little Gerson died there, only 8 months old.

Jacob and Sara stayed at “Lager” Vught till 3 July 1943. That date the were transferred from Vught to Camp Westerbork where they had to stay at barack 57. There, they found again Jacob’s parents, his sisters and brothers, except Joseph (who lost his life in 1945 at Bergen Belsen). 6 July all were put on transport to Sobibor, where they have been killed immediately upon arrival there 9 July 1943.

City Archive of Amsterdam, archive cards of Jacob Gans, Sara Schijvenschuurder, Gerson Gans en Isidorus Schijvenschuurder; the file cabinet of the Jewisch Council, registration cards of Jacob Gans, Sara Gans-Schijvenschuurder en Gerson Gans (1942) and the archive of concentration camp Vught, Sterbebuch 1943.

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