
About Jesaia Bosboom and his wife Leah Spijer

Jesaia Bosboom was a son of Mozes Salomon Bosboom (a son of Salomon Mozes Bosboom and Annaatje Barend Kroese) and Vogel van der Glas (a daughter of Joel Jesaijas van der Glas and Schoontje Jochem Hes). Jesaia’s  parents were married in Amsterdam 16 August 1865.

Jesaia was born into a family with seven children of whom he self and his sisters Heintje, Klaartje and Sientje were killed in the Shoah. His brother Salomon died in 1923 and his brother Joel passed away in 1939. Presumably his brother Emanuel survived the war.

10 April 1902 Jesaia Bosboom married in Amsterdam Leah Spijer, born in London and who was a daughter of Abrahem Spijer and Matilda Lipman. The couple had two children:  Maurits in 1903 and Mathilda in 1904. Maurits became an attorney and together with his wife, survived the Holcaust. Mathilda however, who was unmarried and residing with her parents at Transvaalkade 54 down floor, was killed in the Shoah.

9 October 1943 Jesaia Bosboom and Leah Spijer were registered in Kamp Westerbork were they had to stay in barack 67. Until then both were exempted from deportation (“gesperrt bis auf weiteres”) because of the function of Jesaia; since 18 Juni 1942 he was a member of the headcommittee of distribution of vegetables at the Jewish Council. His previous profession was “wholesaler and broker of potatoes” as was listed at his registrationcard of the Jewish Council. Their health was not quite in order: Jesaia suffered from a heart desease and Leah was seriously blind and suffered from a high bloodpressure.

19 October 1943 both were deported from Westerbork to Auschwitz and immediately killed upon arrival there  22 October 1943.

 City Archive of Amsterdam, archive card of Jesiaia Bosboom; website www.wiewaswie, marriage Jesiaia Bosboom and Leah Spijer and the file cabinet of the Jewish Council, registration cards of Jesaia Bosboom and Leah Bosboom-Spijer

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