
About Sara Soesman

Sara Soesman was a daughter of Wolf Soesman and Judik Sterner. On 2 October 1918 she married in Rotterdam to Itic Cohn from Rumania, a son of Jaren Cohen and (no first name) mrs. Brana. The couple had three children, namely Jacob, Marcu and Wolf. Her sons Jacob and Marcu have been killed in Auschwitz but Sara Soesman, her husband Itic Cohn and her son Wolf wer killed in Sobibor on 23 July 1943.

Sara Soesman and her husband Itic and son Wolf were sent to Camp Westerbork on 16 July 1943. They stayed in barack 97. Jacob and Marcu were registered in Camp Westerbork already on 28 July and deported to Auschwitz on 21 September where both were killed on 31 January 1943. Sara Cohn-Soesman, her husband Itic and son Wolf werd deported to Sobibor on 20 July and immediately killed there upon arrival on 23 July 1943.

City archive of Rotterdam, family registration card of Itic Cohn; website; the file cabinet of the Jewish Council, cards of the Itic Cohn family.

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