
About Sophia Blom

Sophia Blom was a daughter of Marcus Jacob Blom and Rozette de Vries. She married in Leiden on 14 July 1897 to Salomon Salomon, a son of Marcus Salomon and Catharina Marcus Raggelaar. As far as could be ascertained the couple had no children.

Her husband, Salomon Salomon passed away in the former Jewish Hospital at Schietbaanlaan 42 in Rotterdam in July 1940 and in September 1940, Sophia moved to Middelburgschestraat 13 in Scheveningen. She was registered in Camp Westerbork on 23 Augustus 1942 but the next day, on 24 August already discharged from the camp. From there she went to Hotel Hiegentlich, a hotel for "Families and Singles" at Nieuwe Hoogstraat 9-11 in Amsterdam, where she passed away on 17 December 1942.

City Archive of Rotterdam, family registration card of Salomon Salomon; Archive Erfgoed Leiden, wedding of Salomon/Blom; file cabinet of the Jewish Council, registration card of Sophia Salomon-Blom and the website

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