
The name of this person

By: Eric

Max Rosenstein 23.July1893 Herleshausen, who lived in Bensheim arrived in Amsterdam 1939 with his wife Sophie,nee Bendheim born 05.May1898 Bensheim.

His two sons Hans Rosenstein and Gerhard Rosenstein  born21.May 1927 Bensheim and his brother Felix Rosenstein 14.Dec.1895 Herleshausen and his wife Cecile c 1900, all arrived in 1939 in Amsterdam.

Fritz emigrated  with his wifet o USA by 1940 .Max and his wife and sons were deported to a series of concentration camps , ending up in KZ Auschwitz were Hans was murdered. His parents and his brother survived. They settled in Paris in 1945 , last residence Nogent, and emigrated to USA 24.August1946. Gerhard changed his first name name to Gérard.