
About Elisabeth Blitz-Snoek and her son Jacob

Elisabeth Snoek was a daughter of Abraham Snoek and Engeltje Coopman. On 25 November 1936 she married Mozes Blitz, a son of Jacob Blitz and Jansje Fierlier. The couple had one son in 1937, Jacob, who also was killed in the Shoah.

Elisabeth, a seamstress, was registered in Camp Westerbork on 16 September 1942, together with her son Jacob but already two days later, on 18 September deported to Auschwitz, were the both were killed immediately upon arrival there on 21 September 1942.

Elisabeth’s husband, Mozes Blitz was already killed one year earlier, on 14 October 1941 in Mauthausen.

City Archive of Amsterdam, archive card of Elisabeth Snoek; website and the file cabinet of the Jewish Council, registration cards of Elisbeth Blitz-Snoek, Jacob Snoek and Mozes Blitz.

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