
About Meijer Bont

Meijer Bont was a son of Emanuel Bont and Judith Frank. Meijer was a "commercial traveller, dealing in tobacco's". On 14 May 1924 he married Susanna Bromet in Amsterdam, a daughter of Mozes Bromet and Rachel Kosman. Their son Emmanuel, who became a tailor by trade, was born in Antwerp on 17 March 1925.

After the marriage, Meijer Bont and his wife left Amsterdam for Antwerp, where they lived at Delinstraat 42, in Berchem at Maloustraat 3  and at Lundenstraat 69 in Deurne. On 10 November 1930 Meijer and his wife and son were registered again in Amsterdam. On 28 March 1938 the family moved to Schalkburgerstraat 31 grond floor.

Meijer Bont and his wife were registered in Camp Westerbork on 23 March 1943 and stayed in barack 60, till they were deported to Sobibor, where Meijer and Susanna have been killed immediately upon arrival there on 2 April 1943.

Meijer's son Emmanuel was already registered in Camp Westerbork on 15 July 1942 where he stayed one week. On 21 July he was deported to Auschwitz where he lost his life eventually on 30 September 1942.

City Archive of Amsterdam, archive cards of Meijer Bont, Susanna Bromet, Emmanuel Bont; The Dossier of Foreigners of the City of Antwerp, nr. 184411 - images 287/288; the Municipal Archive of Berchem, nrs.11846 and 11931 and the file cabinet of the Jewisch Council, registration cards of Meijer Bont, Susanna Bromet (registered as Gromet) and Emmanuel Bont.

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