
About Sophia Nathans

Sophia Nathans was a daughter of Simon Nathans and Betje de Jong. She married Maurits Minco on 28 July 1920 in Groningen,  a son of Manus Minco and Sebilla Hedeman. Sophia and Maurits had six children, of whom two of them have survived the Holocaust. During their hiding they were brought to another address than their parents and siblings. Sophia, her husband Maurits, daughter Stella and her sons Sallo, Simon en Nico went into hiding nearby Ootmarsum but due to betrayal caught and arrested on 6 October 1944. According notes on her card from the archive of the Jewish Council, Sophia and her daughter Stella were brought to an airfield near Enschede and from there sent into nazi-Germany, where they have lost their lives somewhere in Mid Europe during the Shoah. Her husband Maurits and her three sons Sallo, Simon en Nico have been shot dead on 7 October 1944 just outside the village by a group of German's from the Sicherheits Dienst  

Sophia's parents had eight children in total. They were Aaltje, Nathan, Salomon David, Klara, Eva, David Simon, Anna and Sophia self. Only her brother Nathan passed away already rather young: he died in 1913, 27 years old. All other siblings have been killed in the Shoah.

Website, archive of the Jewish Council, card  Sophia Polak-Nathans and the "history of the Jews in Ootmarsum" by B. Morshuis.