
About Sara van Bever

Sara van Bever, a daughter of Samson van Bever and Sientje Smeer, married Louis van Velzen on 30 July 1919 in Amsterdam, a son of Isaac van Velzen and Schoontje Grijsaart. The couple had three children: Isaac, Samson and Schoontje. Isaac was killed in Mauthausen on 17 July 1942. Together with his parents, Samson was killed in Sobibor on 16 April 1943. Schoontje lost her life, also in Sobibor, on 14 May 1943.

Sara herself was born into a family of ten children. Three of the children died in childhood, long before the war. One daughter passed away in Amsterdam during the Holocaust. But she herself, her sister Heintje and her brothers Aron, Samuel, Simon and Salomon were killed in the Shoah.

City Archive of Amsterdam, archive card of Samson van Bever and website