
According the German Memorial "Gedenkbuch Opfer der Verfolgung der Juden unter der nationalsozialistischen Gewaltherrschaft in Deutschland 1933-1945", Kurt Gerson would have been deported to Camp Westerbork on 15 December 1943 and from there sent to Theresienstadt on 25 February 1944 and from there to Auschwitz on 28 October 1944. The "Gedenkbuch" shows as date of death ("Todesdatum") 30 October 1944, which implicates that he would have been killed immediately upon arrival in Auschwitz.

City archive of Amsterdam, archive card of Kurt Gerson and the "Gedenkbuch Opfer der Verfolgung der Juden unter der nationalsozialistischen Gewaltherrschaft in Deutschland 1933-1945"