
About Enna Chasler-Lebo

Enna Chasler Lebo, born in Odessa op 5 December1853, arrived in Rotterdam on 27 March 1914 as the widow of Kalman Chasler and moved in with her son Jankel Chasler, who was married  in 1903 to Vrouwtje van der Borg from Rotterdam. The family then lived at Vrouw Jannesstraat 23 in Rotterdam.

The Chasler-Lebo couple had four children, namely Jankel in 1873, Burich Kelmanoff in 1882, Manuel in 1885 and Ruchel in 1891. They all came to Rotterdam, Jankel as the first in 1899, and the others who followed, have all resided with their brother Jankel untill they got married.

Her son Jankel, born in Odessa, arrived via Hamburg in Rotterdam on 31 January 1899. He was a corn inspector by trade and still unmarried. He married 19 June 1903 to Vrouwtje van der Borg from Rotterdam and had five children with her. Jankel and Vrouwtje were killed during the Shoah, just as three of their five children. (Grietje, Anna and Jeanette).

Her son Manuel arrived from his hometown Odessa in Rotterdam on 8 April 1905 and lived in too with his brother Jankel. He married 24 April 1914 in Argentina to Bellina Davidoff from Paris, returned to Rotterdam where they had three children. Two of them moved to London later but Manuel, Bellina and their son Carl were killed in the Shoah.

Her son Burich Kelmanof arrived in Rotterdam on 7 March 1906 and he also lived in with his brother Jankel.  He was a bookprinter, dealer in ship items and broker. He married 12 March 1914 to Mietje van Dam from Dordrecht and had three children with her. One twin died just after birth; their daughter Sophie and they themselves were killed in the Shoah.

On 20 June 1912, her daughter Ruchel arrived from Odessa in Rotterdam and she too lived in with her brother Jankel. On 13 February 1913 she moved to her brother Burich Kelmanof Chasler. She worked as a shop assistant for a living. On 17 June 1914 she married in Rotterdam David Bertchenko from Smerinka (Russia) and had a son on 29 January 1915, named Gilel Eleff Berthschenko. On 12 September 1916, the family emigrated from Rotterdam to New York.

Enna Chasler Lebo, then residing at Eerste Middellandstraat 51 b in Rotterdam, passed away there on 7 May 1942, 88 years old and the funearal records of the Jewish Cemetery in Rotterdam reveal that Enna Lebo was buried there.

City Archive of Rotterdam, family registration cards of Jankel Chasler, Manuel Chasler, Burich Kelmanof Chasler; Civil Registry of Rotterdam, index of marriages; website; website; the file cabinet of the Jewish Council, various registration cards of the Chasler families and an addition of a visitor of the website.