
About Ernst Henri Gomperts

Ernst Henri Gomperts was a son from the 1st marriage of Henri Gomperts and Rachel Cornelia Citroen. His mother passed away in 1922 and his father remarried in 1933 Frederika Philips. Ernst Henri was unmarried and he was a buyer of ladies fashions. On 13 Februray 1934 he left for Lyon in France but returned to Amsterdam in January 1936 and resided at his parental address at Vondelstraat 65. At some point, Ernst Henri left Amsterdam again and he went to Paris in France, where he lived at 32 bis Rue du Cotentin in the 15th arrondissement, his latest known address..
From a tranport list, also made by Beate Klarsfeld, it has appeared that Ernst Henri Gomperts, also known as Dvie Gomperts, has been deported with Convoy 07 on 19 July 1942 from Drancy to Upper Silezia. Presumably Ernst Henri has been killed immediately upon arrival in Auschwitz some days later.

City Archive of Amsterdam, archive card of Ernst Henri Gomperts and Henri Gomperts; family registration card of Henri Gomperts; file cabinet of the Jewisch Council, cvard of Ernst Henri (David) Gomperts and the transport list made by Beate Klarsfeld regarding deportations from Drancy to Auschwitz, with Ernst Henri Gomperts recorded as David Gomperts on it. (see also