
About Mietje Prijs-Gompers.

Mietje Gompers was a daughter of Levie Barend Gompers and Schoontje Jacob Boas, a family with nine children: Mietje herself, Barend, Sara, Elias en Philip who all have been killed during the Holocaust. Two children, Joseph and Marcus have died before the war and one son, Michel, has survived the war. Her sister Naatje passed away in Amsterdam in September 1940.

Mietje married in Amsterdam on 6 March 1884 to Marcus Prijs, a son of Hartog Levie Prijs and Judik Lion Jacob. The couple had four children: Levie, Barend, Judik, who has survived the Holocaust and Samuel. After the wedding in 1884, Mietje and Marcus lives at several addresses in the city, like the Sint Antoniebreestraat 6 and at Nieuwe Achtergracht 4 1st stock. On 23 August 1926, Mietje’s husband Marcus Prijs passed away  there and was interred at the Jewish Cemetery of Muiderberg.

On 12 January 1943, Mietje Gompers moved to Plantage Parklaan 29 1st floor, where she was arrested and carried off to Westerbork on 25 March 1943. As a 82-year old lady she ended up there in “bed 31 of barrack 84”, the so-calles “old peoples barrack”, but already on 6 April she had been put on transport to Sobibor. If it were the case that Mietje Prijs-Gompers would have survived this three-day train-journey, then she was killed immediately in the gas chambers of Sobibor on arrival there on 9 April 1943. 

Sources include the City Archive of Amsterdam, family registration card of Marcus Prijs, archive card of Mietje Gompers, residence card of Plantage Parklaan 29 I Amsterdam; website Akevoth/Burial Permits/Marcus Prijs; the file cabinet of the Jewish Council, registration card of Mietje Prijs-Gompers.


Post-processed and completed on 30 March 2020