
About Barend Prijs

Barend Prijs was the second of the four children of Marcus Hartog Prijs and Mietje Gompers and was born on 4 March 1892 in Amsterdam. Barend was a brilliant polisher but later he was a dealer in all kinds of merchandise. He was unmarried. Barend had one sister Judik who survived the Holocaust and two brothers, Levie and Samuel, who just as he himself have lost their lives during the Shoah.

The bachelor Barend lived at home with his parents in Amsterdam for a long time. However his father had already died in August 1926 and his mother Mietje Gompers then was on her own.  But on 22 February 1935, when Barend was 43 years of age, he left for the Maurithsstraat 16 3rd stock, where he lived in with the Widown de Bok, who resided there up from 29 March 1934. On 24 April 1935, he left from there and found lodging with “De Jonge”at Weesperplein 14. On 11 September 1936 he moved on to Nieuwe Prinsengracht 30 3rd floor with “Prins”, bitu on 23 March 1937 Barend found lodging again with the Widow de Bok at Swammerdamstraat 8 2nd floor,  who had just moved there one month earlier. Up from 1 September 1939 Barend’s last address was Nieuwe Achtergracht 5 2nd floor.

Barend Prijs was arrested and registered in Westerbork on 29 March 1943 and on 6 April deported to Sobibor with another 2020 deportees. From this transport, two women survived but on arrival there on 9 April 1943 he was immediately killed in the gaschambers there.

Sources include the City Archive of Amsterdam, archive cards of Mietje Gomeprs and Barend Prijs, family registration cards of Marcus Prijs and Barend Prijs; the file cabinet of the Jewish Council, registration card of Barend Prijs and the Wikipedia list of jodentransporten vanuit

This biography from before 2016 was updated on 4 April 2020.


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