
About Sophia Clara Muijsson-Gazan

Sophia Clara Gazan was a daughter of Wolf Jacob Gazan and Clara Levi. She married in 1928 in Rotterdam.
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Sophia Clara Muijsson-Gazan moved in 1940 with her husband to Limburg. There they dedicated themselves to promote the game of chess. In Maastricht they immediately founded the chess-club ‘De Pion’(The Pawn). Due to the efforts of Sophia Clara a championship of Maastricht was installed. She herself was the strongest player. In March 1943 Sophia Clara was imprisoned by the German occupying powers. Via Scheveningen, Rothenburg and Ravensbrück she was deported to Auschwitz.
L.G. Eggink en W.A.T. Schelfhout Partij verloren... Gedenkboek ter herinnering aan de schakers in Nederland, die tijdens de bezetting heengingen (Amsterdam 1947)