
About Eduard Palm

Eduard Palm was a son of Samuel Palm and Roosje Denneboom. He married Henrietta Jacob in 1913 in Zwolle. They had four children. In 1921 they moved to Terborchstraat 2 in Zwolle. Henrietta Jacob passed away in 1930.
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Eduard Palm was a manufacturer of ready-to-wear clothing. He was a widower. He lived at 2 Terborchstraat in Zwolle with his daughter Meta and another child with its family.

In April 1942, Het Joodsche Weekblad published an obituary for Eduard Palm.
Het Joodsche Weekblad, 25 April 1941, 9;
D. Stibbe and J. Hagedoorn, Herinneringsboek joods Zwolle 1940-1945 (Zwolle 1995) 52-53