
About Elias Spreekmeester

Eleven letters that Elias Spreekmeester wrote to his wife while he was imprisoned at camp Vught have remained. The prisoners were generally allowed to write one letter every fortnight. The postcards were sent at: 8 March 1943, 17 April 1943, 9 May 1943, 22 May 1943, 6 June 1943, 4 July 1943, 18 July 1943, 15 August 1943, 12 September 1943, 26 September 1943 and 14 November 1943.

A postcard Elias Spreekmeester sent on 13 January 1944to his child from the extermination camp Birkenau has also remained.
Records concentration camp Vught, ordner N.M.V.K., correspondentie.