
About Aron Cutzien

The name Cutzien was changed by the family to Krukziener, to give it a more familiar Dutch sound. Aron Cutzien used both names.

Aron Cutzien/Krukziener was a son of Benjamin Aron Cutzien and Judik Kan. He was married to Catharina Polak. They had a daughter, Judith Sippora. The family lived at 56 Diezerstraat in Zwolle. Aron Cutzien was a jeweller. He had a brother Meijer and three sisters: Klaartje, Serlina and Hanna. With their families they havebeen killed all in the Shoah
D. Stibbe and J. Hagedoorn, Herinneringsboek joods Zwolle 1940-1945 (Zwolle 1995) 30-31; an addition of a visitor of the website and website

Aron Cutzien, calling himself 'Krukziener', owned a trade in antiquities, gold, silver and related articles. The business was located on the Kamperstraat 27 since April 1922 and since December 1936 on Diezerstraat 56. In accordance with § 7 VO 48/1941 (Nazi regulation to remove Jews from the trade and industry) the company was dissolved in October 1941.
Kamer van Koophandel, inschrijfnummer 05251, dossiernummer Historisch Centrum Overijssel 0165