
About Coenraad Emil Mandaat

Coenraad Emil Mandaat married Sara Rodriques on 15 March 1922. In September 1922 they had their first child. Coenraad Emil Mandaat lived at 35 Molenbrochtplein, his wife Sara Rodrigues lived at 35 Molenbochtstraat. They went into hiding on 28 August 1942. On 13 March 1943 they were arrested in Tilburg.

The Tilburg police commissioner requested that Coenraad Emil Mandaat and his wife Sara Mandaat-Rodrigues be located. They lived in Tilburg and were suspected of having changed their place of residence without the required authorization. This description referred to Jews who had gone into hiding.

Algemeen Politieblad, nr 41, 15 October 1942, 1163, notice 2307;
A. de Beer and G. Kobes, Het leven gebroken. De geschiedenis van de Tilburgers die als gevolg van de strijd tegen Duitsland en de bezetting om het leven kwamen (Tilburg 2002) 43-44.

Coenraad Emil and Sara divorced in 1937 in The Hague.
Their child married in 1940 to an non-jewish partner and lived in Tilburg. Coenraad Emil and Sara went into hiding there.
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Zie voor een foto van Coenraad Emil Mandaat de website van het Regionaal Archief Tilburg.