
About Samuel Zeehandelaar

Samuel Zeehandelaar was the son of Jacob Zeehandelaar and Sara Cohen. He was married to Frederika de Lange, daughter of Mozes de Lange and Regina Rothschild.
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Samuel Zeehandelaar owned an ironware trade. The company was established on the Korte Kamperstraat 7 in Zwolle since 1912. From June 1940 it was located on the Jufferenwal 18. In accordance with § 7 VO 48/1941 (Nazi regulation to remove Jews from the trade and industry) a controller was appointed in 1942. The company was dissolved on 9 October 1942.
Kamer van Koophandel, inschrijfnummer 03364, dossiernummer Historisch Centrum Overijssel 0112

The Police Commissioner of the State and Municipal Police in Zwolle requested that Samuel Zeehandelaar, living at 18 Jufferenwal in Zwolle, be located, detained and brought to trial. He was suspected of having changed his place of residence without the required authorization. This description referred to Jews who had gone into hiding.
Algemeen Politieblad, nr 8, 25 February 1943, 212, notice 573