
About Leman Bert Lakmaker

Leman Bert Lakmaker was the oldest son of Leman Lakmaker and Sophia Voorzanger. Leman Lakmaker and his parents were arrested on 8 December 1942 in The Hague.
See for further information: J. Lakmaker, Voorbij de Blauwbrug : het verhaal van mijn joodse grootvader (Amsterdam 2008)

Leman Bert Lakmaker was married. He and his wife had three children. The family lived in Amsterdam. Leman Bert Lakmaker was a secondary school physical education teacher. He belonged to an underground military organization and helped Jews in hiding (providing addresses to hide and forged identification cards). On 8 December 1942 he was caught in The Hague and deported to Auschwitz via Westerbork. Leman Bert Lakmaker's wife survived the war.
NIOD, Erelijst Verzet en Koopvaardij, database made by J.W. de Leeuw