
About Philip Roodveldt

Philip Roodveldt was a son of Abraham Roodveldt and Rachel Bromet. He married in Amsterdam on 9 September 1908 to Grietje Scheffer, daughter of Andries Scheffer and Rebekka Worms. The couple had four children together: Abraham, Rebecca, Andries and a daughter Rachel who died in March 1919, only 2 years old.
Also Grietje Scheffer died a few months later on 9 June 1919 and Philip married again on 13 October 1920 in Amsterdam to Roosje Piller, daughter of Joseph Piller and Judith Hont.
Philip and Roosje had also three children: Jozef, who died only 1 year old,d Maurits, who survived the Holocaust and again a son ((518460|Jozef, who did not survived the war.

Philip Roodveldt had 5 other siblings of whom Mozes survived the war, Leentje and Jesaya died before the war but 512389 and 499097 did not survive the Holocaust.
City Archive of Amsterdam, archive card of Philip Roodveldt and website