
About Isaäc van der Velde

Isaac van der Velde was a son of Juda van der Velde and Elisabeth Pimentel. He married 9 April 1924 in Amsterdam Annetta Binger, a daughter of Gerard Binger and Abigael de Jong.
Isaac and Annetta had two children: Juda and Reina.
Isaad and Annetta resided in the 30s and the early 40s at separate addresses. However, when his wife resided since April 1940 at Blasiusstraat 140 I, Isaac stayed with her and the children until February 1941 at this address. Since then he lived at Weesperplein 44 III and up from March 1941 at Kraaipanstaat 6 boven in Amsterdam.
City Archive of Amsterdam, archive card of Isaac van der Velde, Annetta Binger and website