
About Tobias Levisson

Tobias Levisson owned a soapfactory at the Zuid-Oost Buitensingel in The Hague. He was a member of the board of the Israelitic Home for Elderly Men and Women in The Hague.
Data from he records of the residents of the Jewish home for elderly men and women in The Hague. The records are part of the archives of the Nederlands Israëlitische Gemeente (Dutch-Jewish Congregation) (NIG) in The Hague. These records are kept at the municipal archive in The Hague. Access is subject to authorization from the NIK.

Tobias Levisson was married to Margrete Heymans from Hamburg. The couple had three children. Margrete Heymans died while giving birth to her third child, Alexander Benjamin, in 1922. Alexander Levisson lived at another addres during the war.
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For additional information see:
R.A. Levisson and H.C. Hurst-Levisson, Het verhaal van de families Levisson en Simons