
About Salomon Vaz Dias

Salomon Vas Dias was married. The couple had one child. They lived in Amsterdam.

Salomon Vaz Dias was a reporter. In May 1940 during the war, he held a civil post at the army headquarters. After the capitulation, he was in the service of the Red Cross to track down missing soldiers. He was also a member of the Ordedienst (OD) and a staff member of Het Parool. In the autumn of 1940, he was involved in negotiations regarding the feasibility of a link with London. He was given the use of a transmitter.

A German spy lured Salomon Vaz Dias to France, where he was picked up on 30 June 1942 from Dijon railway station. Via Scheveningen prison, the Seminary in Haaren and Utrecht prison, he ended up in the camp in Amersfoort. On 29 July 1943, Salomon Vaz Dias was executed by firing squad on the Leusden moors. He was 37 years old.
//NIOD, Erelijst Verzet en Koopvaardij, database made by J.W. de Leeuw;
Dodenlijst Amersfoort;
B. Braber, Zelfs als wij zullen verliezen. Joden in verzet en illegaliteit in Nederland 1940-1945 (Amsterdam, 1990) 51//

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