
About Albert Beek

Albert Beek was the only son from the marriage of David Beek and Rachel Kapper. His parents were married 12 September 1918 but divorced on 10 October 1928. Albert was born on 26 October 1922 in Amsterdam and lived later with his mother in the Weissenbruchstraat 95 in Den Haag, where he was a student of the 2nd Municipal Lyceum in Den Haag. He worked later as aid in a forwarding firm and was unmarried.

On 5 January 1942 Albert Beek was arrested in Den Haag by the SIPO, suspected of “an attempt to flee to England”. First he ended up in the prison of Scheveningen (named the Orange Hotel – Oranjehotel), from where he was sent to concentration camp Buchenwald on 31 March 1942. From there he was sent 15 September 1942 to the concentration camp and labour camp Gross Rosen and eventually he ended up in Auschwitz. Albert wrote a last letter to his mother on 11 October 1942. According to the Auschwitz Museum, he was murdered in the gas chambers of Auschwitz on 14 November 1942, together with another 110 other prisoners from the sick barrack 28.

Sources among others: documents from ITS Bad Arolson, the file cabinet of the Jewish Council, registration card of Albert beek and an addition of a visitor of the website.


This person is mentioned in a CABR document of the Dutch Nationaal Archief. The CABR contains detailed information concerning this person’s arrest, inv. nr CABR 76954.