
About Kurt Emanuel Schöndorff

Kurt Emanuel Schöndorff from Essen (Germany) married 17 July 1935 in Amsterdam to Ella Meijer, a daughter of Ruben Meijer and Mietje de Winter. Their future address would be Uiterwaardenstraat 130 I in Amsterdam where in 1938 their son Rudolf was born. Per 25 October 1940 the family left Amsterdam and moved to Laren, address Koloniepad 6. The 16th of February 1944 the family - together with others - were arrested at their hidingplace at Bijenstand 1 in Laren and brought to Euterpestraat in Amsterdam. Kurt Schöndorff was sent to Camp Westerbork on 22 February 1944 where he had to stay in criminal barrack 67 and was deported on 3 March 1944 to Auschwitz were he immediately has been killed upon arrival.
His wife Ella and her son Rudolf eventually have survived the Holocaust.
City Archive of Amsterdam, archive card of Kurt Emanuel Schöndorff, archive of the Joodse Raad of Amsterdam and the Historical Society of Laren.

This person is mentioned in a CABR document of the Dutch Nationaal Archief. The CABR contains detailed information concerning this persons arrest, inv. nr CABR 472 + 753