
About Joseph Ensel

In July 1941, two obituaries were placed in Het Joodsche Weekblad for Joseph Ensel. One notice was signed by the company Kalker & Polack, for the man 'who worked for our company loyally and tirelessly for a great many years'.

The same edition of the weekly paper features the following notice: 'On the 21st of this month, in the Dutch-Jewish Hospital in Amsterdam at the age of 93, Mr Joseph Ensel passed away. He had fought bravely during seventeen years as an East-Indian military under generals Van der Heijden and Van Heutz in the East. He wore the Kraton and Atjeh medals and other awards with pride. It was always a pleasure to hear the old man recall memories of that eventful time, that he could talk about so enthusiastically. The memory of this man, so straightforward yet so remarkable, will undoubtedly endure with many of us for a long time.'
Het Joodsche Weekblad, 25 July 1941, 9 and 11