
About David Jacobs

On 6 August 1942 David Jacobs and Rebecca de Vries were married in Westerbork transit camp. David Jacobs, an excavation worker, was a son of Jacob Jacobs, assistant clerk-on-reduced-pay at the Rijkspostspaarbank, and of Rosalie Rodrigues. Rebecca de Vries, a seamstress, was a daughter of Samson de Vries, shopkeeper in Amsterdam, and Branca van der Bokke. Barend van der Bokke, an uncle of the bride, was a witness at the wedding ceremony and signed the marriage certificate.
Record of marriage certificates of the Westerbork municipality, currently at the archives of Gemeente Midden-Drenthe in Beilen

David Jacobs lived, among other places, in a barrack in the town Leonberg near Stuttgart, where a group of Dutch men were forced to work for the Messerschmitt company. One of his former roommates recalls that David became ill and was deported with an ambulance transport.
Addition of a visitor of the website

See for additional information:
Joachim Baur/Birgit Wörner Konzentrationslager und Zwangsarbeit in Leonberg, Stadtarchiv Leonberg, 2001