
About Maurits van Hoorn

Maurits van Hoorn was a teacher at the ULO in Delft. One day, during the war, he was picked up from his classroom and was not allowed back into the school. One of his students got up and declared she would leave the school in protest. After his dismissal, Maurits found another job teaching at a Jewish school in The Hague.
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Maurits van Hoorn was a freemason and member of the Delft Masonic Lodge Silentium. In the Lodge building is a memorial with his portrait.
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See for further information on Maurits van Hoorn: J. Wijnberg-Stroz en M. van Lunteren-Spanjaard, Blijvers en voorbijgangers. Joden in Delft 1850-1960 (Kampen 1998) 70, 75, 77-78, 114, 117, 120-121, 167, 169