
About Emil Kuhn

The Kuhn family came to the Netherlands in the thirties and lived in Bussum. The grandmother Cäcilia Kuhn-Deutsch also lived in Bussum at a different address. A non-Jewish family took pity on them.
Emil Kuhn was a small and well set-up person, he wore strong glasses and he was very deaf. He was a thermometer-maker by profession and could work very well with his hands. In 1942 he made from an old bicycle a new one as a birthday present for the son of the friendly family.
On a certain moment the four members of family Kuhn moved to Amsterdam. There they lived in a house in Asterdorp in Amsterdam-North. One day, it was already cold, the friendly family visited family Kuhn. Not far from their house there was a place that was totally camouflaged with nets and plashed fence. Probably here was the plainfactory of Fokker situated. Mr. Kuhn was very excited about this visit and they had to calm him down. He showed a thermometer which he had made. In the back of the house there was a small work table over which a small lamp was shining. Daughter Sara was a nice girl with half-long curling hair with a red colour. When she talked to her father, she took his hand and wrote with her forefinger in the palm of his hand.
When the friendly family had to leave, they received a coffin with – at that time – expensive objects: a woollen vest, black galoshes, a rubber jar and some spoons. The coffin was taken charge of until the moment that the war would be over. In May 1945 it was reported that family Kuhn had been deported and never would come back.
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