
About Fritz Adolf Heinemann

The Deventer police commissioner requested that Fritz Adolf Heinemann, a farmhand residing at 320 Zuid Eschmarker Rondweg in Enschede, be located, detained and brought to trial. He was suspected of having stolen an identification card.
Fritz Adolf Heinemann arrived as a German refugee on 3 November 1937 at the Jewish youth farm the Villa Catharinahoeve established that same year on over two hectares of land for Palestine pioneers in Gouda. He moved to the Hague on 11 November 1939 but returned to Gouda and stayed there until 16 May 1940. He then moved to Enschede.
Algemeen Politieblad, nr 45, 12 November 1942, 1267, notice 2711,,F. van der Straaten, Om nooit te vergeten. Herinneringen en belevenissen aan/van Palestina-Pioniers in Nederland gedrurende de oorlogsjaren 1939-1945 (Mijnsheerenland, s.a.) 164, 213

This person lived alone or no information about family members is known or traceable.