
About Louis Hartog Frijda

Louis Hartog Frijda was the great grandson of Simon Frijda, the last cantor, as well as the shammash, in Veenendaal, the grandson of Levie Hartog Frijda from the Hoofdstraat in Veenendaal and the son of Izaak Levie Frijda and Marianne Leefsma.
He married Mietje Leverpoll in Borculo on 18 February 1914, a daughter of Nathan Leverpoll and Rozetta Kan.
The newlyweds left Veenendaal and moved in with Louis's sister Johanna and his mother in Utrecht on 25 February 1914.
The couple had three children, of whom one son died at age 2 in 1918; one daughter survived the war but their son Izaak was killed in Auschwitz on 31 March 1944.

Louis Hartog Frijda was an active sportsman. In 1903 he co-founded the Sparta gymnastics association in Veenendaal. He served as secretary to the board. He participated in several events in various parts of the country. Sparta was part of the Dutch gymnastics league. The association was disbanded in 1914. (In 1927 Sparta was re-established, but Frijda was no longer involved.) In the annual report for 1911, Louis Hartog Frijda described the value of sports: 'Physical well-being, to make our bodies strong and healthy, so that they withstand our day-to-day worries.'
M. Brink and D. van Kreveld, Geschiedenis van de Joodse gemeenschap in Stichts en Gelders Veenendaal (Veenendaal 2001) 154-157, and also The Archive of Utrecht and website

Louis Hartog Frijda was born in a family with ten children, of whom his unmarried brother Abraham also was killed during the Shoah. His broether Benjamin died in 1942 and was interred in Haarlem.
The Utrecht Archives and the Municipal Archive of Den Haag.