
About David Hompes

David Hompes was married to Hendrica van Gelder. The couple lived at 18 Melkmarkt in Zwolle. David Hompes was a wholesaler.
D. Stibbe and J. Hagedoorn, Herinneringsboek joods Zwolle 1940-1945 (Zwolle 1995) 38-39

David Hompes was the son of Benjamin Hompes and Kaatje Wittgensteiner. Davids wife Hendrica van Gelder was a patient at the Apeldoornse Bos mental hospital. Hendrica and David had a son, Isaac Abraham Hompes, and a child that survived the war.
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The Hompes brothers, David and Sally, owned a trade in haberdashery since October 1891 on the Nieuwstraat 32 in Zwolle. They came from Germany and were naturalized to Dutchmen in 1898. Sally Hompes left the company as a partner on 1 January 1933. The company was registered in November 1938 as the “Gebroeders Hompes N.V.” in Zwolle. Partners in this NV were David Hompes, Isaac Abraham Hompes and a relative.
Kamer van Koophandel Zwolle, inschrijvingsnummer 00917, dossiernummer Historisch Centrum Overijssel 0033; inschrijvingsnummer 06559, dossiernummer Historisch Centrum Overijssel 0199