
About Salomon Wijnberg

Salomon Wijberg was married to a non-Jewish woman. This mixed-marriage protected him from deportation. However, when forged identification papers for his sister Betje Godschalk-Wijnberg were found on him, he was arrested. Salomon Wijnberg was brought to the detention centre in Amsterdam. He was subsequently brought to camp Vught and deported to Auschwitz.
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Salomon Wijnberg and his wife used their house multiple times as a shelter for Jews who hid themselves during razzia's. Salomon Wijnberg was also involved in forging identification papers for people in hiding. Due to his activities an old Jewish woman could go into hiding with a pastor and his family. A witness can remember only a few people who acted so fearless, courageous and selfless as Salomon Wijnberg did.
During his detention in camp Vught Salomon Wijnberg managed to write a letter to his wife and child.
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