
About Albert Heijermans

Albert Heijermans was the youngest child out of eight, from Marcus Joseph Heijermans and Marianna Blitz. Because his mother was tired of raising children Albert went into the custody of a Jewish orphanage in Rotterdam. He was an agent in oils & fats. He held office at a certain point in the famous 'Witte Huis' in Rotterdam, near the river Maas. He married at a relatively late age to a non-Jewish woman. They had two children who survived the war. The marriage led to some dispute with most of his brothers and sisters, except with his older brother, who had married a non-Jewish woman himself.

Albert Heijermans travelled often to Germany to do business, before the war and after 1933. He therefore spoke excellent German. He owned a copy of Hitler's Mein Kampf and made handwritten comments in it. He had a clear conception of the seriousness of Hitler's intentions with the Jews. Unfortunately, he did not have the funds to his disposition to move to England with the entire family. Albert had a role in the resistance. According to tradition he had a reckless nature and refused to wear the Jewish star. He was picked up in the streets of Rotterdam in 1943, being betrayed by an NSB member, was transferred to Vught concentration camp, then to Westerbork and ended up in Auschwitz.
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